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Configuring and licensing the solution after installation

This document will focus on the procedure of installing the immediate solution after installing the OS image.

First step


As part of licensing the solution, you will need to generate an encrypted file for the current server using the collect-host-info <host-name> command as a root user. <host-name> was specified during the OS installation.

After that, the generated file should be sent to the company to receive a host.lic license file in response.

The obtained license file should be placed in the path /etc/skyspace/host.lic

Second stage

First Server Mode

To start the installer it is necessary to run the sky-start installation script from root user.

After it starts the UI will open, the steps of which are described below.

Step name

Field description


Selecting the installation mode

To install the primary node, select the first item Install first node of cluster.

For the secondary node, select the second item.

Last item to exit.


Selecting installation mode: first or second and then server

Nextop Root User configuration

  • Root User First Name – The name of the local superuser to be displayed in the application.

  • Root User Last Name – Last name of the local superuser to be displayed in the application.

  • Root User Email – Email of the local superuser to be displayed in the application.


Creating the primary Root user of the solution

SMTP Configuration

Fields for configuring SMTP for sending emails.

It is important that a test email is received upon completion of the configuration, which is required to be confirmed, because the email client is used to deliver the profile for logging into the application.


SMTP parameters


Confirming receipt of a message on the test E-Mail

Internal Server Network

First the primary Management Interface is selected, which will be the key interface for the primary communication of the product with the surrounding network. In addition to the primary interface, Teaming configuration is immediately available with the specification of redundant interfaces.

All specified Management interfaces will be automatically inserted into the Virtual Switch.

Then VLAN configuration is available, specifying MTU.

Next is IP configuration with DNS, in particular IP and mask of the current host, as well as adding Range IP addresses for adding future hosts already in the UI of the product.


Configure IP Ranges for future hosts already at this step. In early versions, changing these ranges later will not be possible.


Configuring the network environment of the primary Management Port of the added server

Central Server Virtual Machine (CSVM) Networking

Select the network environment settings for the central server virtual machine that manages the system components. It is possible to select the option to use the same settings - then the settings of the previous item will be applied and you will only need to specify the IP address for a specific current VM, as well as the single address of the central server VM.

You can also configure the network environment for the Central Server VM separately. In this case, the settings are identical to the previous item.


Configuring the CSVM address or a dedicated subnet with a dedicated adapter

Path for storing the image of the Central Server VM. You can specify a directory that does not exist, in which case it will be created recursively.


Setting the storage path of the CSVM image

License Password Configuration

Specifies the license password. It will be used to add new servers to the system.


Be sure to save this password in a safe place. It is required to activate all further hosts.


Setting the licensing password


A window that displays all entered data for verification. At this step you can go back for corrections, or click continue and start customizing the solution.


Checking all entered parameters

Second Server Mode

For this mode, the appropriate installation mode must be selected at the beginning of the installation:

Step Name

Field description


Selecting the installation mode

To install the primary node you need to select the first item Install first node of cluster.

For the secondary node, select the second item.

The last item to exit.


Selecting the installation mode: first or second and further server

Central server IP

At this step you should specify the virtual IP address of the central server.


Entering the IP address of the Central Solution Server

SMTP Configuration

Fields for configuring the SMTP client for sending e-mails.

It is important that a test email is received upon completion of the configuration, which is required to be confirmed, since the email client is used to deliver the application login profile.


SMTP parameters


Confirming receipt of e-mail to the test e-mail

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