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Global priviliges

Privilege group

Privilege Name

Brief description of the privilege




Allows users and their groups to be added to the global access list.



Enables viewing the global access list.



Allows changing roles for existing entries in the global access list.

Warning A user with this privilege will be able to change only those roles that do not exceed his own privileges. As a new value, he will only be able to specify a role that does not exceed his own privileges.


Allows changing the status (active/inactive) for already existing entries in the global access list.

Warning! A user with this privilege will only be able to change the status of roles that do not exceed their own privileges.


Enables control of the option to inherit privileges from the parent resource for existing entries in the global access list.

Warning A user with this privilege will only be able to modify the inheritance option for roles that do not exceed its own privilege set.



Allows deleting entries from the global access list.

Warning A user with this privilege will be able to delete only those entries of the global access list whose roles do not exceed his own privileges.

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