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Granting local access to a resource

To assign a role to a user/group in the system, you must have the XXXX privilege for the resource you are going to grant the user/group access to.

You can grant access to a resource either to a single user or to a group of users.

To grant access to a resource, you must establish a relationship between the user/group and their role within the access list of a resource in the system.

A child object inherits the permissions of its parent if the parent's propagate property is set to true. A permission set directly on the child object overrides the permission in the parent object.

To grant access to a system resource, the following actions must be performed:

1. Specify the resource for which you want to grant access and click theProvide accessbutton.

2. In the drop-down list of the "Users" field, specify the user or group to whom you want to grant a specific role with respect to the system resource:

a. enter the first characters in the search bar - the system searches the first characters entered and displays the results found;

b. select the user or group of users.

3. Specify a role from the drop-down list of available roles in the system in the "Role" field.

4. (Optional) To inherit the specified role for users over child resources, set the "Propagate to children" switch to the active position. The role will be added to the selected system resource and inherited by child resources.

5. Press "Save".

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