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Resources Monitoring Tutorial

For almost every type of resource in the application, a separate page for monitoring the main indicators for the selected resource is available.

All data can be exported to any external resource monitoring console, particularly from the most popular ones:

  • Grafana;

  • Zabbix.

For this purpose, direct access to the API of the Central Solution Server is used.

The main elements of interaction and view management within the application are described below


General settings

These include:

  • Graph point rendering permissions by selected period

  • Graph aggregation view

  • Time period selection

  • Graphics update period

Graph points rendering permissions by selected period


Display example

Dynamically changing list from 30 seconds to 1 day depending on the size of the selected time interval.

Affects smoothing of average values in charts when displayed, for example:


Set interval 1 day, rendering 5 minutes


Set interval 1 day, rendering 15 minutes

Graph Aggregation View


4 modes are available:

  • Average value

  • Minimum values

  • Maximum values

  • Sum of values

Selecting the time period

Selects the period of data viewing. There are 2 modes available:





Graphs update period

With what frequency the data is updated during online monitoring. The only period available by default is 30 seconds.

Specific chart settings

The following elements are available within the scope of working with a chart:

  • Selection of a separate entity to filter data (for example, a specific server within a cluster)


  • Selecting a unit of measurement


    These settings apply only to the selected graph and do not affect the others in the view.

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