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Release notes 2024

Version number

Release date





  • Simplified creation and management of virtual
    machines and their resources

  • Redesigned the interface for creating all resources - removed the first step

  • Simplified the interface for creating network resources

  • Modified resource creation forms - automatic opening of the required form by clicking on it


  • Expanded mechanism of user binding to groups and filtering by classes

  • Expanded support for parameters from directories

General changes:

  • Fixed translation errors in Russian language

  • Fixed bugs and comments



  • Implementation of scenarios for working with bonds

  • Realization of scenarios of work with NAT

  • Redesign of work with subnet

  • LDAP directories support

  • Support for SSO authorization

  • Added Russian language support inside the application

  • Added mode for ultra-low consumption remote management protocol - Satelite

  • Added FC and iSCSI storage support

  • Fixes a number of bugs and comments inside the application



  • Closure of microphone streaming for the application

  • Added servers for browsing and filtering to the list of virtual machines

  • Redesigned BackupJob, added manual startup feature, adapted scenario

  • Implemented password reset and e-mail reset script for local users

  • Implemented functionality to save password for 30 days from the last login for local users

  • Added the ability to set custom values for OS type and requirements when loading Installation image

  • Added resource IDs that can be copied to all resource tables

  • Added ability to monitor current CPU clocrete for virtual machines

  • Extended and removed USB redirect (version 1)

  • Reduced ports for protocol

  • Fixed streaming color for video protocol

  • Accelerated transition to video for protocol

  • A number of fixes and optimizations with frame, camera, remote control protocol sound

  • Finalized transition to new design system

  • Refined design script for cascading tasks

  • Fixes a number of bugs and issues within the application



  • Implemented resource filtering script

  • Implemented virtual machine boot mode - legacy/UEFI

  • Added boot menu option for virtual machines

  • Reworked work with all resources based on the results of initial testing of the product

  • A number of UI improvements for user feedback

  • Deep optimization of remote control protocol and addition of 2 modes - video and progressive

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