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User administration

User creation

In order for a user to start using AirCloud resources, the administrator must create a local account for the user in the system database. Created user accounts can be edited later.

The ability to export user accounts from Active Directory will be added in future AirCloud releases.

Users in AirCloud are identified by their e-mail address. To create a local user account, you need to specify the user's first name, last name and e-mail address to which an e-mail will be sent with a link to authenticate the user to the system.

Created local user accounts can be deleted.

For more information about creating users and operations with their accounts, see " "Creating a user" as well as "User Operations".

Assigning roles to a user

After a user account is created, the user must be assigned a role in the system so that he or she can use its resources. The following variants of solving this task are possible:

  1. Direct role assignment - resource owner or AirCloud administrator directly assigns the user a role on the resource.

  2. Group role assignment - the administrator adds the user to agroup that already has a certain set of roles on the system resources.

For more information about operations with roles, see " "Privileges and Roles", as well as "Advanced privilege configuration".

Grouping users

Grouping users into groups allows the administrator to assign permissions to the same system resources to multiple users at once, rather than to each user individually. A single user can belong to multiple groups at the same time.

Groups in AirCloud are identified by the group name, which must be unique within the deployed system solution.

For more information about creating and operating on groups, see " "User Groups".

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