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User accesses

Types of access

AirCloud provides two approaches to granting users access to system resources - administrative and user access. Both approaches complement each other and can be used simultaneously.

The ability to customize user access limits for a user will be added in future AirCloud releases.

Administrative access (admin access) - Access based on a user's privileges on some system resource, such as, Cluster. That is, a user does not necessarily need to have privileges to create and manage resources on the system to be able to use AirCloud resources. An administrator can grant access to a user by defining a range of privileges that the user will have on the resources allocated to him.

User access is the ability to "manage" system resources (usually within a cluster) Cluster) according to the restrictions defined for the user by the AirCloud administrator. At the same time, the same user can have administrative access in another Cluster Cluster.

Administrative access is needed to define the user's role in the cluster, and user access is needed to configure resource limits for non-administrators.

For more information about global access to system resources, see " Global access to system resources "Global access to system resources".

Thus, a user in the system can be both a user and an administrator, then each AirCloud user, in addition to information about his accesses, can view information about the accesses of other users he has added to the system. As such, there is no personalized separate page for a regular user in AirCloud - in the Users section, each AirCloud user can view information about the accesses of other users they have added to the system, in addition to information about their accesses.

The ability to customize user access limits for a user will be added in future AirCloud releases.

To view user accesses, the following steps are required:

1. Go to the Users menu section.

2. From the list of users authenticated to the system, use the highlight bar to select the user whose access information you want to view.

3. Using the navigation arrows on the system left menu submenus switch to the Access menu submenu.

The menu subsection contains the following options for viewing user access:

a. administrative access(Admin);

b. user access(User).

4. When selecting the Admin subsection, the list of administrative access privileges for the selected user will be displayed for each of the resources available to him (local and global access) with the role and inheritance sign for the child access list by resources.

5. Selecting the User subsection will display the user access restrictions for the selected user.

On the screen, you can see information about:






Switching to the Summary subsection you can see a summary of: accesses and resource limits by user

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