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Setting up administrative access for a user/group

To grant access to users, you must have the privilege XXXX .

The user does not need to be present in the user access list. VMS an administrator can create VMs for the user. The user may not be on the administrative access list at all, but may have access to the Cluster and use it.

Access to the system resources can be provided in different ways - the choice of method in each case should be determined only by the convenience for the administrator and the number of entities with which it is necessary to perform certain actions.

To create a user account, perform the following actions:

1. Go to the Users menu section.

2. In the list of users authenticated in the system, use the checkbox to select the one to whom you want to grant access to the resource.

3. Using the navigation arrows on the left menu of the system, switch to the Access menu subsection.

The menu subsection contains the following options for granting access to users:

a. administrative access

b. user access

and go to the screen of viewing its profile by pressing the button

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