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Storages Administration Guide

Available in the Storages tab. It is a tabular view listing all data storages created in the system.


Storage connection statuses to hosts

The status of connection to the host is the status of the connection between the storage and the host. The status of each such connection is defined as follows:

Status Name



Read/write operations on the storage are available from the host.


In case:

  1. If the host is in the status of Degraded.

  2. Read/write operations on the storage are unavailable from the host. The status of the host itself is not affected by the storage connection status.


The host is disconnected from the storage correctly through the Central Server. Disconnected - is only about correct disconnection, which is used very rarely, for example, when complete disconnection of the cluster from the storage failed, some hosts were correctly disconnected (they are in the Disconnected), and some of them were not (they are in Degraded).

Storage to cluster connection statuses

The cluster connection status is the status of the connection between the storage and the cluster. The status of each such connection is defined as follows:

Status Name



All hosts in the cluster have a storage connection status of Connected.

Partially Connected

Cluster hosts must have at least one storage connection status equal to Connected, and at least one Disconnected.


At least one of the cluster hosts must have a storage connection status of Degradedcan contain Disconnected. All VMs using at least one of the images from this repository go to the status of Degraded

Partially Degraded

At least one of the cluster hosts must have a connection status equal to Degradedand at least one host with a connection status of Connected.


All hosts in the cluster have a storage connection status of Disconnected or the cluster is empty.

Storage Statuses

Storage statuses are completely dependent on the connection statuses of their clusters. They are defined as follows:

Status Name



Storage connection statuses to clusters can only contain the following Connected, Disconnected, Partially Connected.

Partially Unhealthy

Storage connection statuses to clusters are required to contain statuses: Partially Degraded, Degraded and at least one with a connection status of Connected, Partially Connected.


The statuses of all storage connections to clusters may contain: Disconnected, Degraded. Must contain: Degraded.


To add a new storage you should select the "Add Data Store" button. And then follow the steps

  1. General - here you should specify a name for the storage and a note if necessary.

  2. Configuration

    1. NFS


      1. Version - Select the version of the NFS storage to be connected - 3 or 4

      2. NFS Server IP - Specify the IP of the storage to be added

      3. Path on the NFS Server - Path to the storage

    2. Custom Shared


      1. Unified Custom Shared Mount Point - path to the storage

  3. Summary - summary of filling in all of the above items


To modify a storage, you should hover over the required item in the table and select the edit icon.

To view the list and status of clusters connected to the storage, you should hover over the required item in the table and select the view icon.


In the opened window for each cluster you can call the tool for restoring the connection - to do this, open the additional menu in the list of servers and select "Datastore connectiom doctor"



To delete a storage, you should hover over the required item in the table, open the additional menu and select "Delete".

Common sections of the resource

The following items are available for each server



It consists of three main blocks:

  • General - here the basic data about the storage and the resources used are listed

  • Block with data on occupied storage space

  • Block with tasks and events, where the selected storage is specified as "Target"

Also by opening the additional menu you can:

  • Connect the storage to the cluster

  • Start the procedure of reconnecting to the cluster

Connecting a storage to the cluster


To connect the selected storage you should also specify:

  • Which cluster you want to connect to

  • In case of a network storage, also specify the connection port

For all types of storage except NFS

It is forbidden to connect a storage to a cluster if the storage is already connected to some cluster and has the status of connection to the servers of this cluster.

Procedure of reconnecting to the cluster

Started by clicking the "Datastore connection doctor" button from the additional menu or for This operation is designed to restore cluster connections to Datastore that have been put into the statuses of Disconnected, Degraded, Partialy Degraded.

Even if someone tried to disconnect the cluster from Datastore earlier, the doctor can restore correctly disconnected connections in the status of Disconnectedas well as Degraded и Partialy Degraded.



Block with graphical representation of storage metrics. More information about monitoring management tools can be found in the following pages Resources Monitoring Tutorial

Attached Clusters


Tabular representation of all clusters connected to the storage.

To connect the storage to a new cluster, you should select the "Connect to cluster" button.

If you need to restore connections for a cluster, you should select it in the list, open the additional menu and select "Datastore connection doctor". The execution status can be seen in the tasks and events of the cluster.


To disconnect from the cluster, you should hover over the required item in the table, open the additional menu and select "Disconnect from cluster".

Disconnecting storage from cluster

The disconnect storage operation is not available if the cluster uses any images stored on the storage, including virtual machine images, base or installation images connected to the cluster virtual machines.

Base & Installation image


A tabular view of all images created on the storage. You can filter by all, only base, only installation images.

To load a new image you should press "Create Image". You can read more about creation Virtual Images Administration Guide | Creating-an-Installation-image and Virtual Images Administration Guide | Creating-base-image

To delete an image, point to the required item in the table, open the additional menu and select "Delete".

Security policy


A tabular view listing the roles and users to whom these roles are assigned.

To add a new user, select the "Provide access" button. And then select the user/group and the set of rights. You can read more Granting local access to a resource

To change the rights, you should hover over the required item in the table and select the edit icon.

To delete permissions, hover over the required item in the table, open the additional menu and select the "Delete" item.

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